いろいろと都合もあって、邪道と言われようと、GNU Smalltalkを使うことになりそうなので、
Scientific Linux 6.1(x86_64)
GNU Smalltalk 3.2.4(ソースコンパイル configureオプションなし)
にstar(smalltalk archive)パッケージができるんだけど、確認すると。。。
ls /usr/local/share/smalltalk/ Announcements.star BLOXBrowser.star Blox.star BloxGTK.star CParser.star Cairo.star ClassPublisher.star Compiler.star Complex.star Continuations.star DBD-MySQL.star DBD-SQLite.star DBI.star DebugTools.star DhbNumericalMethods.star Digest.star GDBM.star GNUPlot.star GTK.star Glorp.star I18N.star Iconv.star Java.star Magritte-Seaside.star Magritte.star NCurses.star NetClients.star OpenGL.star Parser.star ProfileTools.star ROE.star SUnit.star SandstoneDb.star Seaside-Core.star Seaside-Development.star Seaside-Examples.star Seaside.star Sockets.star Sport.star Swazoo.star VFSAddOns.star VisualGST.star WebServer.star XML-DOM.star XML-Expat.star XML-ParserTests.star XML-PullParser.star XML-SAXDriver.star XML-SAXParser.star XML-XMLNodeBuilder.star XML-XMLParser.star XPath.star XSL.star ZLib.star examples kernel packages.xml scripts unsupported
http://www.gnu.org/software/smalltalk/manual/html_node/Packages.html 参照
Usage: gst-package [OPTION]... ARGS... Operation modes: --install make or install STAR packages (default) --uninstall remove the packages mentioned in the FILES --dist copy files instead of creating STAR files. --prepare create configure.ac or Makefile.am --list-files PKG just output the list of files in the package --list-packages just output the list of packages in the files --download, --update download package from smalltalk.gnu.org or from its specified URL --help display this message and exit --version print version information and exit Common suboptions: -n, --dry-run print commands without running them --srcdir DIR look for non-built files in directory DIR --distdir DIR for --dist, place files in directory DIR --destdir DIR prefix the destination directory with DIR --target-directory DIR install the files in DIR (unused for --dist) -I, --image-file=FILE load into the specified image --kernel-dir=PATH use the specified kernel directory -v, --verbose print extra information while processing --install suboptions: --test run unit tests after merging --load also load the Smalltalk files in the image --list-files suboptions: --load only list files that are filed in when loading --test with --load, also include unit test files --vpath Omit path to srcdir for files that are there --dist suboptions: --all-files Process all files, not just non-built ones --copy Do not create symbolic links All operation modes except --download (or its synonym --update) accept paths to package.xml files or .star files, including remote URLs. --download and --update accept names of packages, which will be searched in the current system or on smalltalk.gnu.org) or URLs to package.xml or .star files. Except in uninstall and list files mode, gst-package requires write access to the GNU Smalltalk image directory, and merges the XML package files on the command line with that file. The default target directory is /usr/local/var/lib/smalltalk
gst-package /root/smalltalk-3.2.4/packages/dbd-postgresql/package.xml mkdir /tmp/gstar-fydO0l mkdir /tmp/gstar-fydO0l/DBD-PostgreSQL ln -s -f /root/smalltalk-3.2.4/packages/dbd-postgresql/Connection.st /tmp/gstar-fydO0l/DBD-PostgreSQL/Connection.st ln -s -f /root/smalltalk-3.2.4/packages/dbd-postgresql/ResultSet.st /tmp/gstar-fydO0l/DBD-PostgreSQL/ResultSet.st ln -s -f /root/smalltalk-3.2.4/packages/dbd-postgresql/Row.st /tmp/gstar-fydO0l/DBD-PostgreSQL/Row.st ln -s -f /root/smalltalk-3.2.4/packages/dbd-postgresql/ColumnInfo.st /tmp/gstar-fydO0l/DBD-PostgreSQL/ColumnInfo.st ln -s -f /root/smalltalk-3.2.4/packages/dbd-postgresql/Table.st /tmp/gstar-fydO0l/DBD-PostgreSQL/Table.st ln -s -f /root/smalltalk-3.2.4/packages/dbd-postgresql/TableColumnInfo.st /tmp/gstar-fydO0l/DBD-PostgreSQL/TableColumnInfo.st ln -s -f /root/smalltalk-3.2.4/packages/dbd-postgresql/FieldConverter.st /tmp/gstar-fydO0l/DBD-PostgreSQL/FieldConverter.st rm -f /usr/local/var/lib/smalltalk/DBD-PostgreSQL.star cd /tmp/gstar-fydO0l/DBD-PostgreSQL && zip -n .st:.xml -qr /usr/local/var/lib/smalltalk/DBD-PostgreSQL.star .
最初、/usr/local/share/smalltalk/ 配下にDBD-PostgreSQL.starがなくて、えーー!!ってなったんだけど、
「gst-package --help に The default target directory is /usr/local/var/lib/smalltalk」と記載があって、
確かに、/usr/local/var/lib/smalltalk/ 配下にありました!!
ls /usr/local/var/lib/smalltalk/ DBD-PostgreSQL.star gst.im